ePestReports is a pest control software program that has been designed and developed by experienced, industry professionals (over 40 years combined) to ‘fill a gap’in the commercial reporting segment.
The industry is fortunate that there are some good business management program options available but none that address reporting of commercial services or recurring services including termite baiting and monitoring.
While ePestreports carries many business management features (data base management, invoicing, debtor control, document management) our aim is to provide a simple to use, effective and efficient tool to produce industry best commercial reports. Users are free to offer customers various levels of reporting from basic reports up to and exceeding HACCP level with activity data, trend analysis and supporting pictures.

Our Mission
ePestReports is to provide the pest control industry a program that is simple to use, easy to learn and affordable and be available to pest control businesses of all levels.
The program is to add value to all users. The pest technician on site, the Admin user in the office and most importantly, the customer.
WHO USES ePestReports ?
All businesses wishing to increase their Commercial portfolio
Smaller pest control businesses (Bus management/reporting/invoicing ) - Larger pest control businesses that wish to go paperless
Businesses that need to offer higher level reporting (trend analysis, heat maps, pictures)
Businesses offering Termite baiting/monitoring
Businesses wishing to offer transparency of service via bar code scanning