About Us
ePestReports is a pest control software program that has been designed and developed by experienced, industry professionals (over 40 years combined) to ‘fill a gap’in the commercial reporting segment.
The industry is fortunate that there are some good business management program options available but none that address reporting of commercial services or recurring services including termite baiting and monitoring.
While ePestreports carries many business management features (data base management, invoicing, debtor control, document management) our aim is to provide a simple to use, effective and efficient tool to produce industry best commercial reports.
ePest Reports
ePestReports is the program that allows you to complete your Pest Control Services without lifting a pen.
Manage Commercial / Domestic Database (NEW)
Create Client Schedule
Create Service Reports On The App
Produce Activity Data
Trend Analysis
Barcode Scanning
Customer Portal
Eliminate The Hard Copy Report Book
Create And Email Invoices (NEW)
Debtor Control (NEW)

ePest Reports
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ePestReports Product Demo

ePest Reports
ePest Reports
ePest Reports

User friendly dashboard allows you to quickly access feature you need and identify jobs due.
Manage customers and their details, upload store and provide access to client specific documents. (site plans, SWMS etc.)
Provide customer access to reports and documents.
Provide specific service instructions for the technician.
Produce and manage your customer's service schedule & list pests to be treated.
Manage the technicians who have access to the app.
Upload store and manage general company documents & provide customer access to open and view.
Add, delete and manage your chemical list which will save time for technicians on site.

ePest Reports
Customer access to individual accounts whenever they need on desktop or laptop.
Compliance documentation readily available for customers to view.
Detailed commercial service report, activity summary, notes for next service & record of chemical used on site as per statutory guidelines.
Colour coded individual station activity reports showing bait used, time stamp and revealing an excellent trend analysis.

ePest Reports
“as the Manager of an Aged Care group with several sites I can view all the reports, pest trends, time serviced and also all compliance documents for any of our sites 24/7. The Customer Portal is easy to access and the reports offer a real service transparency.”
- Fabio
CEO, Aged Care provider

“I’ve been in the pest industry over 20 years and have been reluctant to change to digital. We are a small business and many programs looked complicated and with lots of features that are unnecessary. This program is simple, flows well and has the features I need. I have reduced my time in the office by several hours per week, things are far more organized and I use a lot less paper. Perfect for smaller operators.”
- Andrew
PCO, Melbourne

“ePestreports allows us to compete for work we otherwise couldn’t. Customers love the Customer Portal. This program separates us from the pack. We use it for both commercial jobs and for our termite monitoring. Works great.”
- Simon

ePest Reports
500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158 info@mysite.com | Tel: 123-456-7890